Penis erectile tissue
Many men who go for prescription drugs but in most instances they don't need to there are herbal sex pills that can do the same and give you something more an increase in sex drive which drugs simply cannot do.
So how do these herbal sex pills work? Here are the main problems with low libido first and then some powerful herbs which can combat the problems.
Not Enough Nitric Oxide
This is a common problem. For an erection to occur sufficient nitric oxide needs to be realized as it is the chemical which allows the blood vessels of the penis to relax and allow sufficient blood in, to create an erection.
Not enough nitric oxide? No erection, you need it!
You know how important this is already and you need enough
Poor Circulation
Poor blood circulation is a common problem, which causes numerous health problems and if it's poor your sexual health will also suffer. For healthy a libido, you need the blood pumping around the body - its crucial!
Stress & Fatigue
To have a healthy libido, you need to have lots of energy and many men simply are to exhausted for sex - when you are tired and stressed, your body diverts its energies to what it considers more important matters and sex drive plunges.
So how can we correct these problems?
Herbal sex pill manufacturers today produce potent cocktails of various herbs to target all these areas. For example:
To get nitric oxide levels up, you can use Horny Goat Weed, the well known Chinese Libido enhancer and the lesser known Cnidium - Both lift Nitric Oxide levels and inhibit inhibit PDE-5 - just like prescription drugs.
Of course you need the blood pumping and good circulation.
Cnidium is an excellent blood tonic and you can also use the combo of - Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba. Both help circulation of the blood, especially to the extremities and keep the blood vessels healthy - these are also excellent general tonic herbs.
For testosterone again Horny Goat Weed will lift levels naturally and so to will Mucuna Pruriens Extract.
Finally, we need to decrease stress and lift energy and 3 of the herbs we have mentioned will do this - Horny Goat Weed, Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba and let's add in one more Tribulus Terrestris:
Tibulus has been shown to improve sexual desire and performance and increase energy levels.
Tribulus is a circulatory system tonic and can help build muscle and strength. Medical studies on the sexual activity-enhancing effect of tribulus have shown it to contain protodioscin, a saponin constituent, improving libido in men with erectile dysfunction due to various causes and sperm motility in both infertile and sub-fertile men.
The above combination is not the only one you can use but it covers all the bases and not only will it help you get an erection, you will also be able to enjoy increased sex drive and desire.
Don't expect overnight results - but a good diet and these herbs on top taken for a few weeks will soon see an improvement in your overall health and sex drive.
A Stronger Erection and Increased Desire
A herbal sex pill is a healthier alternative than synthetic drugs and as we have said not only gets you an erection but increases desire, to make your sex life more complete.
Penis erectile tissue
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