Erectile dysfunction news
That is one of the most common questions that people asked others or keep in their minds whenever laser hair removal (LHR) procedures are discussed. Laser hair removal is arguably the most preferred method that people can use to get rid of excessive or unwanted hair off their bodies (or at least on certain areas) and a session normally costs a few hundred dollars that some patients describe as reasonable if not affordable. LHR works by aiming a beam of laser at hair follicles of a desired spot of treatment and the heat generated by the laser spreads throughout the hair and reaches down to its root to eventually destroy it. Like any other procedure of medicine, laser hair removal has its own set of risks and side effects but the most common thing that concerns people is the pain that comes with LHR.
So does laser hair removal hurt? The answer is a solid yes and it is important to keep in mind that the use of laser generates an accelerated amount of heat that will not only be felt through the nerves but also can cause damage to the skin surface. Using laser to destroy hair is a very tricky process as the laser technician has to time precisely how long the beam should be focused on the hair to destroy it (right down to the root) while being careful about causing skin damage with the heat. There definitely is pain that comes with the procedure no matter how high tech the equipment used is or no matter how skilled the technician is.
Does laser hair removal hurt that much? The good news is here is that, for the most part, the pain that comes with LHR is a little more tolerable when compared to electrolysis (a method that uses a needle to get rid of hair and the roots). A few patients who had laser used on their bikini line report experiencing pain that was tolerable and felt like they were being flicked with an elastic band. On the other hand, some very new laser hair removal devices come with built-in cooling mechanisms which reportedly reduce the amount of pain inflicted on the patient when used during treatment. Another bit of good news here is that the pain with laser treatment often goes away almost instantly although there is a need to watch out for post-treatment side effects.
There are also other ways to reduce the pain of laser hair removal and clinics make it a point to use those solutions. In certain cases, numbing cream can be used (assuming the doctor recommends it to the technician).
Does laser hair removal hurt? Yes indeed but LHR does not hurt as much as electrolysis, the pain normally fades away fast, the clinics have some helpful solutions for treatments and ultimately the amount of discomfort varies considerably from one patient to the other due to countless factors such as skin complexion, hair thickness and the body's own ability to tolerate laser or applied heat.
Erectile dysfunction news
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