Natural cures for male impotence
When men use a penis enlargement system, the day they most look forward to is the day they get to measure their penis to see if there have been any gains to make them feel like the penis enlargement system is really paying off. You should only measure about once a month, so when this day finally comes, it can be very exciting. However, if you think it is as easy as simply getting out the measuring tape you are wrong. There are many sizes of penises that are flaccid, and these sizes can change from minute to minute due to temperature, blood flow, and even your emotional state.
The flaccid size of your penis is hard to measure for most people. Even while touching it to measure it can change the size, so consistency in measuring your penis is extremely important. If you do not measure it at the same state each time your measurements may be off by a lot which can discourage or encourage you depending on the size in which you measure. Consistency is the only thing that will give you the truest view of your results.
You may wonder why you wouldn't just measure it when it is erect. Although the total size when the penis is erect is extremely important, you should have an idea of what it would be when it isn't erect. It brings you more self confidence just knowing that you look good in a pair of jeans, or shorts, and it lets you know that it really is working. The size of the average penis when it is in the flaccid state is around three and a half inches, which might not sound a lot, but it can double in size once the penis is erect.
When measuring your penis you need to do so with at the same temperature every time. Even a difference in 20 degrees will change the size of your penis. You should keep the temperature fairly warm, because the colder it is, the more your penis and testicles will shrink. Warm air generally makes the blood flow in your penis quicker so that you get a better result. It is also recommended that you measure your penis at the same time of the day as well. If you do this then chances are your measurements will be very accurate and you will start to see the results as the months go on.
It is so important that you take your time to do this and make sure that you are measuring the correct way. Since you are doing so much work using your penis enlargement system, it only seems proper that you take as much time measuring to make sure you see your results that keep you motivated and excited about your new size penis.
Natural cures for male impotence
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