Causes of erectile dysfunction
Given how important testosterone is to men it is interesting how little most men about the subject. Ask any 100 men about the vital role testosterone plays in their lives, most men will guess that this androgenic hormone is made by the testicles and that it is what controls men's level of sex drive, but few will mention that it also directly influences the quantum of facial and body hair, voice pitch and their body fat levels. Few men realize that testosterone determines how active in life they are, though many will guess that the hormone impacts on muscle mass and aggressive behavior.
Even the medical profession has scant knowledge about the issues relating to testosterone including how low levels are the root-cause of excess weight gain, heart diseases, diabetes and morbid obesity. It is clear by doctor's use of synthetic hormones to directly increase the level in men who are not producing sufficient quantities with their testes that they are treating the problem in the wrong way, because synthetic hormones upset the total balance of the body. Rather than use drugs to stimulate the testes into production, they are effectively closing down all natural production because the brain and pituitary gland detect there is a high level present in the body.
The best solution to low testosterone is to boost the natural production by the testicles and this can be achieved by almost all men with diet supplements similar to multi-vitamins. But this action alone is not enough, because it is the food processing methods used by the big corporations that is causing the low levels of testosterone in the first instance, and so only by moving to an organically grown foods diet which is clear of the chemicals, pesticides and added fats and sugars can the hormone boosting diet supplements successfully boost androgenic hormone levels for the long-term.
Causes of erectile dysfunction
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