

Natural Supplements for Erectile Dysfunction


Friday, August 30, 2013

Otc for ED. Increase Your Libido

Otc for ED

Otc for ED

You can take prescription drugs such as Viagra, to enable you to get an erection - but there can be dangerous side affects yet, it appeals in our quick fix society. There are however natural libido enhancers which will do the same and benefit your overall wellbeing. Here we will look at one of them - Horny Goat Weed.

In Chinese medicine, Horny Goat Weed has been used to treat erectile dysfunction and impotence for thousands of years. It performs many of the functions of prescription drugs and also, influenceS overall wellbeing.

It acts as a rejuvenating tonic to relieve fatigue, reduce stress and increase energy levels. In many men stress and fatigue, are major libido killers. This natural herb helps to boost energy and sex drive.

Several medical studies have shown that this time-tested aphrodisiac works in several ways to help male sexual performance.

1. Horny Goat Weed Works as an Adaptive

It increases the levels of epinephrine, nor epinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine when they are low-promoting energy-but reduces cortisol levels which cause stress.

In conclusion High stress in the body and increased cortisol levels causes fatigue and the net affect of this is low libido and lack of sex drive.

2. Restoration of Low Levels of Testosterone

Not only does it increase levels of this critical hormone it also returns thyroid hormone to normal, improving and enhancing sex drive.

3. PDE 5 Inhibitor & Nitric Oxide Production

Horny Goat Weed contains a variety of flavonoids.

One major flavonoid is icariin, which is a cGMP-specific PDE5 inhibitor like the synthetic prescription drugs.
Horny Goat Weed also helps increase levels of Nitric Oxide released from nerve endings close to the blood vessels of the penis. Relaxation of these blood vessels is critical to the erection process.

The realize of Nitric Oxide causing blood to pool in the penis and produce an erection.

Nitric oxide production declines naturally with age and this is a great way to keep levels topped up and remember, if you don't get enough Nitric Oxide, you wont get an erection - period.

Horny Goat Weed is more than a catchy name it's used by countless millions of people worldwide to enhance libido and maintain peak sexual wellness.

The body if fed with the right fuel has an amazing capacity to repair and rejuvenate itself and while many seek a quick fix solution many want to their impotence cured naturally and one thing prescription drugs can't do - re kindle your sex drive.

Horny Goat Weed is a great aid for overall sexual wellness - but works best when combined with other herbs. Two great ones are the traditional Chinese tonics -Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba.

Many companies are responding to the demand for natural Libido enhancers, by combining cocktails of herbs together, (including Horny Goat Weed) to give takers a safe and natural libido increase.

Otc for ED

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