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Monday, August 12, 2013

Natural erectile dysfunction treatments. How to Cure Peyronie's Disease

Natural erectile dysfunction treatments

Natural erectile dysfunction treatments

Curing Peyronie's disease, the so called Peyronie's disease, is a condition bearing the name of a certain Francois de la Peyronie, who was a surgeon to the King Louis XIV of France. He was the first person to describe this rare medical condition back in 1743. The very cause of this disease is not known to science, there is enough information on its development for us to provide a simple description on this site.

There is a thicker layer of connective tissue that surrounds the soft Corpora Cavernosa. For reasons unknown to science at this moment, scar tissue begins to form in the "Tunica Albuginea". This tissue prevents the normal expansion of the penis during erections and forms a permanent bend in the penis. The disease is a bit painful at first, but the pain eventually goes away. There is no need to resort to painkillers or to fear falling into the trap of long-term medicine abuse. The one and only effect of this disease is the curvature, which is visible when the penis is erect, and possibly a shortening of the penis in the flaccid state.

Most of the men suffering from it are able to have sex and experience no pain during sexual intercourse. However, as the angle of the curvature draws close to 90 degrees, intercourse becomes more and more troublesome. The disease can affect men of all races and ages, but it is most commonly seen in Caucasian males ages 40 and up. It is not contagious and is in no way related to cancer or other serious conditions. There is no known universal cure and some of the men which science was able to help have experienced relapses. The list of treatments developed to fight Peyronie's disease is quite large, but not one of them was proved to be the best solution to the problem. One of the most common treatments is surgery.

More severe cases are always solved through the insertion of implants via surgical intervention. A few years ago, surgery was the method of choice for treating Peyronie's disease because there were no alternatives. Penile implants are plastic cylinders placed inside the Corpora Cavernosa. The doctors can either place the implants inside the penis and let them do the work of straightening out the organ, or they can try to bend the penis against the plaque in order to increase the implant's chance of successfully correcting the penis. Yet another widespread way of attempting to treat Peyronie's disease is the use of tissue grafts. This procedure entails the complete surgical removal of the lump of plaque that develops on the penis and straightening the penis in order to bring it back to the original shape. Doctors tend to advise patients to accept this approach in cases featuring large plaques or severely bent penises.

However, the most widely used method for straightening congenital curvature of the penis is the Nesbit Procedure. During this procedure the penis is filled with a sterile physiologic salt solution in order to cause an artificial erection. The surgeon gathers with a clamp the outer side of the bend, which forces the Tunica Albuginea to straighten the penis. Other promising treatments focus on the use of Collagenase injections to break down the plaque and remove it or Verapamil injections to prevent new plaque from forming. One of the most popular treatments uses Vitamin E to help the skin heal and reduce the plaque.

Since the skin healing properties of Vitamin E have been known for quite some time, the use of this vitamin to contain Peyronie's has been a popular solution since the 1940s. Another widespread treatment is Potaba, a short form of the proper technical name: Potassium aminobenzoate. Recent studies have shown that Potaba can help men suffering from Peyronie's disease to a certain extent, but it's unclear how effective this substance is. The best way of dealing with most cases of Peyronie's disease is to use a so called traction device to straighten the penis. Despite controversy surrounding such approaches as penis extenders, several clinical studies have already been conducted in order to assess the effectiveness of this technique.

The traction device, which is part of the SizeGenetics penis enlargement program, works by forcing the tissue that makes up the penis to expand instead of retracting and increasing the curve. Uing SizeGenetics device on a regular basis, men who took part in clinical studies have been able to reduce their curvatures greatly and often increase the size of their sexual organs. The Sizegenetics was classified as a Medical Device Type 1 by the health authorities of the EU and bears the CE mark, while the manufacturing process is fully compliant with the ISO13485:2003 and ISO90001:2000 quality management standards. Included in the package is a free membership to PenisHealth, the penis exercises program featuring a series of exercises designed to decrease the curvature caused by Peyronie's disease. Members of this program can learn to increase the length and girth of their penises, correct curvatures, prevent premature ejaculation and maintain sexual fitness throughout the years.

The traction device, which is part of well known SizeGenetics(TM) penis correction/extension program, works by forcing the tissue that makes up the penis to expand instead of retracting and increasing the bend. By using the SizeGenetics device over time, the men who took part in clinical studies have been able to reduce their penis curvatures.

Also included in the SizeGenetics System is a free membership to PenisHealth, the penis exercises program featuring a series of exercises designed to decrease the curvature caused by Peyronie's disease. Members of this program can learn to increase the length and girth of their penises, prevent curvatures and premature ejaculation, and maintain sexual fitness throughout the years. There is also a 100% money back guarantee for the unlikely event the method fails to help you.

For more information on how to straighten out penis curvatures using a clinically proven solution, click the link to visit the authors website.

Natural erectile dysfunction treatments

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