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Penis enlargement via "exercising" is one method that men utilize to mechanically increase the size of their penis using physical methods. It's worth mentioning that understanding the safety aspects of performing such exercises is important in reducing the risk of injury and damage to the penis and its sensitive tissues. After all, a man's penis was designed for sexual intercourse and not for being beaten up and abused through "exercising" it.
One aspect of such exercises is targeting the ligamentous structures that attach the penis to the tissues and bones. There are numerous ligaments that can be targeted for "stretching," however the most common is the Suspensory Ligament of the Penis.
The strength and elasticity that allows for proper function of these ligaments (and tendons) has to do with the alignment of the fibers that compose the structural layout of such ligaments/tendons. These fibers are arranged in parallel rows, next to one another, staggering (overlapping) their arrangements caudally and cephaladly for added strength and anchoring through this linear, head-to-tail "overlapping."
When healthy ligaments/tendons have this proper "parallel" structural alignment of fibers, they will functionally be at their strongest, most resilient, and healthiest possible state. This allows them to function as they were intended.
The problem occurs when ligaments/tendons are damaged. This is typically due to a strain/sprain type injury. For example, if one strains their achilles tendon during a football injury due to overextension of this ligament, this will initially cause pain, swelling, and restriction in the involved area of damage. The reason for this is that the body is trying to stabilize the area (through the swelling) and this helps restrict the motion (movement) of the area to prevent further damage. The pain is simply a warning sign the body utilizes to stop the owner from further damaging the structure because of the pain response and to warn the owner that the injury that happened is potential harmful to the body and to not do it again.
Typically, unless proper physiotherapy it utilized during the recovery process - these fibers that we mentioned - when they do heal, they will tend to lose their natural "parallel" alignment. Instead, we wind up with a more cross-hatching of these healed fibers that were damaged, in that instead of being parallel to each other, they cross at angles to each other.
The reason for this is that the fibers are responding to the damage that was inflicted. By cross-hatching the damaged fibers, upon healing, it makes the tendon/ligament stronger (to protect itself - through becoming stronger - from further trauma of this type). However, this cross-hatching reduces the length of the tendon/ligament and decreases its elasticity.
Note this part, especially: "reduces the length of the tendon/ligament." This should especially get the attention of any man who desires to lengthen his penis via penile exercises. After all, if one wants to "increase" the length of the penile ligaments so that the penis can farther extend upon erection, the last thing we want is something that will "decrease" or reduce the length of these ligaments.
You see, and this is especially problematic with penile weights utilized for penis lengthening, anything that traumatizes the ligaments will reduce the length and elasticity of these ligaments.
The problem with weights, especially if they are not utilized properly, is that it can lead to yanking of the penile ligaments. Every ligament has a "reaction time." In that, the ligament can extend (through elasticity) to its absolute range (length) in a certain period or "response" time. If the ligament is taken to its absolute range too quickly, the tissues cannot respond in time and they will be damaged.
This is why weights, if not utilized properly, can actually cause more shortening of the ligaments due to this trauma. While using hand exercises for penis enlargement, the same can be true. Many men will take their penile ligament(s) to their absolute length too fast, or will take them too far beyond their absolute length, thus causing similar trauma and damage.
To prevent this strain/sprain and to prevent cross-hatching upon ligamentous recovery, one should never yank on the penis too hard and fast...
They should also never go too far beyond the absolute length the ligament is intentioned. This is the tricky part, as one must "learn" what is right for them and their penile ligaments.
See, the only way to get increased length in these ligaments is to apply a proper force for a proper amount of time (to the ligament), beyond the absolute length of the ligament. Unless this is done, the ligament WILL NOT LENGTHEN and your penis will not lengthen.
However, if one goes TOO FAR beyond this "absolute" length or approaches this "absolute" length beyond the ligament's response time, then damage is likely to occur.
So, there is a fine line between actually being able to properly stretch out a ligament WITHOUT DAMAGE and SHORTENING and being able to properly stretch out a ligament TO ENCOURAGE ITS LENGTHENING.
Men who utilize traction devices must be especially aware of this situation.
While it seems like a difficult task, it really isn't. Clearly one needs to truly focus on what they are doing and get in touch with how their penile-ligamentous structures are responding to the force they are applying and for how long. With some effort, a man should be able to "feel" when he has "cautiously" taken his ligament to the limits of creating actual stretching before he starts to inflict damage due to over-stretching.
And, of course, never yank or apply too fast of a force on the penis and its ligaments to prevent such unwanted damage.
Good luck.
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